Entries from 2017-09-01 to 1 month

Natural Chronic Prostatitis Cure

Chronic prostatitis is a long-standing inflammation in prostate gland. This disease is difficult to cure and the recurrent rate is rather high. When a man is affected by this inflammation, he will have many symptoms, such as pain in pelvis…

Treating Prostatitis By Natural Herbal Medicine

Prostatitis is usually difficult to be cured completely by using western medicine like antibiotics. Many patients have been living with prostatitis for several years. They have tried lots of antibiotics but with no full recovery. In recent…

Herbal Cure for Prostatitis

When the prostatitis symptoms bother patients, the first treatment option will be antibiotics. However, as the increasing of drug resistance, the effect of antibiotics is not satisfactory. In fact, there is a new hope for the prostatitis m…