Cure Prostatitis By Taking Chinese Herbal Medicine

Western medicine like antibiotics are still widely used for treating prostatitis. However, the effect is not good due to the side effects. Most of patients have been living with recurring prostatitis symptoms for many years and they have to take antibiotics to control the symptoms every time the prostatitis recur. This medicine can only cure the symptom for a short time, but nor provides a complete cure. Men exactly don’t know they can be treated safely and effectively before they get Chinese herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It is great treatment option to cure prostatitis by taking Chinese herbal medicine.


When prostatitis patients use western medicine remedy of antibiotic, they said they were thinking they would be cured by the remedy and they hope they can have a full recovery. However, they are wrong. Antibiotics is not effective in prostatitis that without an infection. As nearly 95% of prostatitis are with no infection, patients can’t have a complete cure by using antibiotics.  


Therefore, they need to find other treatment options. There are many cases which have proved that a new natural herbal medicine plays a vital role in the treatment of prostatitis. It is a Chinese herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.   Many prostatitis patients have tried this herbal medicine and the effect is significant. Patients have no side effects during the treatment.  


As a herbal medicine, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill contains more than 50 types of natural herbs. These herbs have many functions in the treatment of porstatitis, such as clearing heat and toxins, improving blood and Qi flow, inducing diuresis to relieve stranguria. Thus, the pain and the urinary symptoms can be eliminated, and the pathogenic bacteria can be eradicated. It can not only cure the symptoms but can also cure the inflammation from its root cause.


In addition to the medication treatment, prostatitis patients should also pay more attention to the diet. Avoiding foods that may irritate the prostate, such as alcohol, spicy foods, caffeinated beverages, artificial sweeteners, etc.